What services does Whaley Special Education Advocacy provide?
Whaley Special Education Advocacy can provide you with a variety of services to help you navigate your Special Education journey including: preparing for IEP or 504 meetings, attending meetings with you, and helping you communicate effectively with your school district.
What do Special Education advocates do?
According to the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA), a special education advocate is a person who advocates for the rights of children with special needs and their families. They are not attorneys, but are often professionals with training in special education and advocacy.
What types of needs do you support?
Areas of expertise include: giving advice on education services, teaching methods or behavior strategies and helping families implement those ideas at home, working with disabilities including Deafblind, Significant Developmental Delay (SDD), Other Health Impairment (OHI) including ADHD and complex medical needs, Emotional Behavioral Disorder (EBD), and Autism (A), and working with elementary schools.
My child is struggling in school and homework is difficult. What can I do?
We can work together to communicate with the school to brainstorm homework help. We can work together to establish a homework routine or materials that will help completing work at home. We can also talk with the school about how we can make school more accessible and what services that may include.
Do I need an advocate?
Advocates help ensure that you fully understand your options and advocate for the best outcomes for your child. It can be very beneficial to have an advocate to navigate the education system and help you in emotionally charged situations.
Do the advocates provide legal advice?
No. Special Education advocates are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice.
Does Whaley Special Education Advocacy guarantee results?
While we strive to provide the best support and advocacy possible, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes.
Why choose Whaley Special Education Advocacy?
Advocacy work has always been at the core of what I do. I am uniquely qualified to be your Special Education advocate because I have experience both in helping create and lead IEP teams of up to 15 members and because I have experience implementing those IEPs in the General Education environment. I have seen the difficulties of the Special Education system so I am a compassionate and motivated agent of change.
How do I connect with an advocate?
Email us at whaley.spedadvocacy@gmail.com or give us a call at (414) 395-0514